On 22nd May, at 9 am, the Exhibition Bus rolled into the grounds of The Swaminarayan School, London on the invitation of its senior Head Teacher, Mr. Nilesh Manani and Junior School Head Mr. Umesh Raja.
To make the most of the exhibition on the Bus, the school organised one class at a time to experience the exhibition throughout the day. Each group watches the video on board after a brief introduction from the onboard educator.
We had just over 300 pupils who ‘hopped-on’ at the WW1 Exhibition Bus. Most of them watched the entire video (http://bit.ly/India1914_WW1_Bus).
‘Postcards’ to the Soldiers were distributed and encouraged to go home and visit the India1914 website as a family to thank and remember the sacrifice of the Indian soldiers and the entire generation the lived throughout the first great world war.
Comments :
“I did not know that our ancestors were actively involved in fighting alongside the Britsh and commonwealth soldiers during WW1”
"I will visit India1914.com website and ‘educate’ my family – can I have more ‘marigold badges?”